SANDIS 8.1 Updates
Spell Check Text Protection
A message will now appear when using the SANDIS Spell Check program to prevent staff from typing text in the narrative area while spell check is active. (Any text added while spell check was in progress was previously lost.)
IPP Program
The email address from the client/family address is now brought into the Distribution area. Also, a program update now prevents staff from creating a new IPP or IPP Addendum if there is a previous document that is not in Locked status.
SC Welcome Screen - IPP Due Column
The SC Welcome Screen has new color coding for the IPPs Due column. No IPP is now red, and all other groupings have a separate color. (Previously, there were a couple of groups that shared the same color.)
PM Welcome Screen - New SC
Based on the Hire Date on the PM Welcome Screen, the name of any SC who was recently hired (within the last 60 days) will appear in Blue on the Client Search by Name, PM Welcome Screen, and Main client page in SANDIS.
Dashboards Four new charts are now available on the Client Services Dashboard: Caseload Overview, Waivers, Qualifying Diagnoses, and Immunizations.
Record Lock Relief in Inquiry
Similar to messages that appear in the Client pages in SANDIS, if two people try to get to the same Inquiry case screen in update mode, a message will appear letting staff know who’s using the record and have the option to continue in view mode.
Back Out Batch
This program allows SANDIS staff to back out a note batch that was done in error. For T19, the notes must be in New status. For other notes (such as Resource Notes or Inquiry Progress Notes), the note must be created within the last 30 days.
Resource Development Remote Work Report
Similar to the Service Coordinator Remote Work Report, this program can be used by Resource Developers to log work activities done when working remotely.
Open PDF in Browser
PDFs, such as Face Sheets, CDERs, and Vendor Status Notifications, can now be viewed in the browser where they can be download without having to use email.
This query is the first to be converted to an SQL grid. Options for selecting records are easy to use, and the results of the query are produced in a grid. Grid features such as Find, Filter and Sort are built in, as is the ability to export the report to Excel.
Address History
The new Address History page in SANDIS now shows both the before and after information.
Everbridge Flag
When an emergency contact is created, a new check box is available to indicate the emergency contact information should be uploaded to Everbridge. This will allow staff to designate any person/family member as an emergency contact, and specify if the contact should be in Everbridge.
Low/No POS Reports
The “Low/No POS Reports” now includes the email address from the client’s address record.
Additional Avatar Options