SANDIS 7.2 Updates
Client Sections – Most of the client and Inquiry screens have were updated with the “Date of Birth” clearly visible on each panel. This change affects the Address, Relationship, and History sections.
Client Relationship Section – A new column, called “UCI” was created for the list of relatives, if they are also a client oif the regional center.
Client Financial Section – A new field for “EPSDT Hours” was added to indicate the amount of “Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment” hours.
Client Requests – All of the screens that display a history has been expanded to display more lines. This change affects the POS, Transportation, and Referral screens.
Financial Inquiry – A new report has been added to the Financial Menu in SANDIS called “12 Month Expenditure Report.” This report was created by DDS and can be used for Self Determination reporting and budget preparation.
Service Provider Portal – An additional level of access has been added for regional centers that do not post Authorization documents to the Service Provider Portal (SPP). New Regional Center logs and a fresh new design has been developed.
QA Welcome Screen – The QA Welcome Screen has been modified so regional centers can decide which default version they want to use. The options are display by: Evaluator, Case Manager, or Liaison.