SANDIS 7.4 Updates
Authorization Changes – A new splash screen was created to direct the user to complete the correct section for the auth change they want to make (i.e. Increase/Reduce, Cancel, Extend and Other Changes).
Client Financial Section – A new page called “Accounts” was created under the Financial Section of the client record, where staff can track CalABLE and Special Needs Trust Accounts.
Client Financial Section – A new field was added to the Benefits tab under the client Financial section for “Other” benefits such as the new CalFresh, Railroad Retirement and any additional benefits needed.
Client Medical Section – A new field was added to the Health Providers section under the client Medical tab for “Date of Last Visit.” This will assist service coordinators to track their client’s visits.
Vendor SIR Entry Program – a new program for Service Providers has been created and currently in pilot phase. This new program allows service providers to enter Special Incident Reports directly into SANDIS and submit them to their service provider electronically.