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SANDIS Release 7.6

Updated: Dec 10, 2021


SANDIS 7.6 Updates

Character Count – New feature that will count the number of characters in text or comment fields. The program will either show a count down or provide a warning when you approach the end of character spaces allowed in the field. For example, this will be helpful when writing a very long Title 19 ID Note.

Client Contacts – A new tab called “Contacts” was added to allow staff to capture the client’s Primary, Emergency and Legal contact information. SANDIS worked with DDS on this solution to clearly identify these important contacts, consistent at all regional centers. DDS is planning to provide a Statewide Training on requirements and expectations for capturing Client Contact information. A Technical Announcement from DDS and meeting invitation from SANDIS is forthcoming.

Client Medical – Each text area in the client’s Medical section, has been increased and character counts added.

Data Integrity – Data checks have been added to ensure proper email address using an “@” symbol, and phone numbers now require an area code.

Referrals – Each comment text area in the Referrals program has been increased.

Self Determination Program – The Self Determination Program (SDP) status is now displayed on the client’s Primary screen. This will assist staff to easily identify those clients currently enrolled in SDP.

T19 Time Stamp – The time a Title 19 was originally written is now included in the display.

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