SANDIS 7.3 Updates
Client Financial Section – A new field called “Medi-Cal Renewal Month” was added on the Insurance tab under Financial Section of the client record, to assist Benefit Coordinators and others who need to identify the Clients Medi-Cal Renewal.
Client Guardian Section – A new field for “Educational Rights” was added to the Client Guardian tab.
POS Program – The POS program was modified to increase the maximum number of services to 25 Services, that can be added when creating a Multiple Services POS request. This change will assist staff when creating authorizations for Self-Determination clients. A summary total was also added to the screen.
Resource Vendor File – A new Error Message was created to help prevent Resource and QA staff from creating a new vendor records using a duplicate Alpha Key code. The vendor record will now onlybridge from SANDIS into UFS, if the Alpha Key is a unique value. Prior to this check, you would not have known this was a problem unless referring to the Vendor Interface reports.
Staff Transfer & Password Reset – These new programs were added for IT team members responsible for transferring staff codes in SANDIS or when resetting passwords after disabling user codes.